Doctor's Heart Series Random Thoughts #2: Oxygen
For billions of years, you cared for Life.
21 % of the air we breathe, the percentage doesn’t matter, but your presence matters.
You cared for me from birth, from the beautiful mist of November Mornings to the thin air on the Mountains; you were always there for me as an invisible friend.
You are odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Steadily evolving to exchange gases from Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen to Water. You are abundant in water to quench my thirst.
You are the benchmark for health; yogic sciences carved this essential breathing tool, increasing oxygen-carrying capacity to the tissues thousands of years ago.
You gave me every opportunity to survive in the most incredible place on Earth.
You have traveled to places where most species have ever lived before the Dinosaur to dodo to our ancestors and are fortunate to take the same breath as them. Every breath connects us to our ancient past.
You nourish me like a mom who nurtures her child every time I breathe.
You take care of me when in sickness and treat me at the Cellular Level.
The disease-ridden COVID has come and given the testament and need for Oxygen. Your presence has given many lives extension.
You have given me the amazing Oxygen Ocean, where I swim at ease without drowning.
You are no less than God; no Religions or Politics play in its absence.
You are not available on Mars or Jupiter but on Earth with the perfect combination of molecules to sustain Life.
You are the perfect example of balance in life. Nature reminds us to be in harmony repeatedly, for excess kills us, and less prevents us from living.
You are essential for fire; our satieties are null in the absence.
You are the connection to yesterday’s world and the need for gratuity Oxygen for this beautiful Life.
You are the perfect Circle of Life.
Suman Manchireddy MD